Monday, May 18, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Bake

Are you a breakfast food lover? MMMMmmmm! I'm hungry thinking about how delicious this dish is. It's super quick and easy and works not only for breakfast but lunch -or- dinner, too. So, let me get to it!

Doesn't that look YUMMY?!

Here is what you will need

1 lb Lean Ground Turkey
1 Taco Seasoning Packet (Trader Joe's)
Eggs (I use about 8-10 eggs ---you don't want it too soupy)
1 can of organic corn (Trader Joe's)
Bag of sweet mini peppers
1/2 cup - 1 Cup Organic Mozzarella cheese 
Salsa - optional
Guacamole - optional (I can't believe I just typed guac ever NOT an option?)


1. Brown turkey meat and add taco seasoning
2. Beat eggs in a bowl 
3. Add corn, peppers, & cheese to eggs 
4. Add ground turkey
5. Bake for about 30 min on 375 (until cooked thoroughly)

I like to add guacamole or salsa for some extra fun if you have the containers to spare for the day!


1 RED - Eggs & Ground Turkey
1/2 GREEN - Peppers (I often add spinach to make 1 full green but didn't have any this time)
1/2 YELLOW - Corn
1 BLUE - Cheese
1 BLUE - Guacamole (optional)
1 PURPLE - Salsa (optional)

Let me know what you think if you try it and if you have any ways to switch this recipe up! The possibilities are endless.

In Love & Light,

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